Vittoriosa Historical and Cultural Society



Welcome to the Vittoriosa Historical and Cultural Society Tour.  This is not a virtual Tour of Vittoriosa but a real one which the Society invites you to take on your own at your leisure.  It is intended for those who have at heart the historical patrimony of Vittoriosa and would like to discover it on their own.  Besides, it is also meant to give you some fun and entertainment.

The Tour can be followed by anyone.  You may do it on your own or with friends.  You do not have any time limit, so if you want you can start off and continue later on.  The Tour will take you around several interesting historical buildings and curious spots, and will attempt to instill in you a sense of observation and inquisitiveness.  Maybe you would then proceed to do further research on your own.

It should be pointed out at the outset that this Tour is just one itinerary of only some of the historical sites at Birgu.  It is hoped that in future other similar Tours will be developed and posted on the website on the same lines as this one covering other historical landmarks in the City.

In order to make the most of the Tour, it is suggested that, while appreciating the historical relics that have thankfully survived in a City that has gone though centuries of change and upheaval, you should try and imagine the ancient medieval surroundings and way of life of years gone by. 

This is a do-it-yourself Tour.  What you have to do is to print the Questions sheet to take with you.  This gives clues in the form of a questionnaire and other signals that lead you on in the Tour and act as your tour guide.  Write your answers to the set questions in the space provided.  The questions are simple and call for straightforward answers.  The Tour should take a little more than an hour to complete.

To check the results of your findings please refer to the correct replies in the Answers sheet.  Do not print this until after you have actually done the Tour.

We hope you enjoy this experience and that it will help you discover some more features of Vittoriosa that form part of the national heritage.

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